Monday, August 13, 2007

The Last Little Life - EP

One of my first posts ever was about the new Rentals EP coming out soon. Well, its been out for a few weeks now so thought I could touch on that a little more. The EP is only 4 songs, so it doesnt take long to get through. The first song (Last Romantic Day) is so, so and reminded me of where they left off....with Seven More Minutes (their second album), which is a little less synthesizer and a little more mature. Mature isnt always a good thing.
The second track "Little Bit of You in Everything" is much better (in my opinion) and reminds me of the first Rentals album that I know and love so much. However, I think my favorite song so far is "Life Without a Brain" (track 3) which also sounds like Return of the Rentals.
Not sure how much you can read into an EP which has 4 songs, but I like 2 of the 4 very much. Hopefully a full fledge album will be out soon.

Below is the video for "Waiting". Great song.
You may notice Maya Rudolph (from SNL) in this video. Hint-Green Sweater. She was briefly in the band as a keyboard player and vocalist.
Here is a new track from the EP and an older tune.
The old tune is the demo of "Waiting". It's a little rough but its still good.
Right Click, and Save As to Download


Shanenor said...

Not super familiar with the Rentals and maybe they just did it before anyone else. but this whole sound, while not alltogether unenjoyable, is completely played out.

Fire away

Garrett Sorrels said...

The sound may be played out now. With this band I'm okay with that...since they were key in bringing this sound back in the mid 90's. The OK Go's of the world, though more popular, were about 7 years late.

Shane, I thought you were a fan of the rentals