Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Morning Jacket

My Morninig Jacket released a new mp3 from what will be their 5th studio album. The track (and album name) is Evil urges and currently set for a June 20th, 2008 release date. Frontman / producer Jim James had this to say about the album title (courtesy of Wired).

"The world today is such a confused place. Things that people think are good
values are obviously twisted, but there are other things considered evil that
obviously aren't. There is real evil out there, but Evil Urges is about how all
of these things that you've been told are evil really aren't, unless they're
actually hurting something or somebody."

The band also said they wanted this album to contain less of a traditional rock n roll produced sound, but more of what they represent at a live performace.

This band slowly grew on my after 2005 Z but really in the lasttwo year I've become more and more into it this band after getting a hold of the live Okonoks double disc album. Looking forward to this one-

Mp3 available for download below courtesy of MMJ or its streaming in the music box to the right

Right Click, Save Target As to Download
Evil Urges.mp3

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Joggers - Live from Dallas

Another Joggers post....seems like each day i try and find news about their new album.
Here's a live performance of from a April 21 show in Dallas, TX @ the Granada theatre courtesy of Youtube.

The song is the- The Trap from their 2003 Solid Guild album. Good tune.

and one more-

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

French Kicks

The NYC based band French Kicks is back with a new album "Swimming". I've liked their previous albums which are garage bandish...simple tunes with nice beats. Also, while i was in my lab I discovered a formula for pop music.

See below-

This new one is a little different, much more calm and a little less punk face, but still keeps the attention. My favorites off the album so far are Said So What, Carried Away, and Love in the Ruins.

Another thing about this album- French Kicks have always sounded a bit like other bands out there, but on this one I think they've experimented a but instead of using the exact (sometimes repetive) post punk formula.
Rating- 3 out of 5 Gare Bears- There are four tunes from the new album streaming in the box to the right- listen to them.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Das Cobra

Guess who won Battle of the Ad Bands (Kansas City) Ja!?
None other than Das Cobra, our first live debut rocked the City of Kanas with unique sounds, sexy rhythms and skin tight outfits.. The music and the band really do pose the question very assertively - Are you ready for trouble times?
To listen visit Here.