The Walkmen - Another One Goes By.mp3
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sluggish Sunday
The Walkmen - Another One Goes By.mp3
Monday, August 20, 2007
Planet of Ice
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hot Fuzz
Last night my wife and I watched Hot Fuzz on video. We had seen this in theatres earlier in the summer but loved it so much we had to see it again. I think I'm about ready to claim Simon Pegg & Edgar Wright as my favorite comedy duo of the '00's strictly because of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz alone. Back to HF, I'm already a sucker for Point Break, Lethal Weapon, Alien Nation, and just about any other buddy cop movie out there. Well, almost any buddy-cop movie. I'm sure there are a few that might be buddy cop "turds".
The reason Hot Fuzz is so good is because its able to do 3 things well
1.) Make an action packed buddy cop movie
2.) Spoof a buddy cop movie
3.) Make a very funny movie
Shaun of the dead was able to do the same thing. Yes it was a spoof, but it was also action packed, a little scary, and sad. So, go home rent the movie, watch the movie and give it some thought. Another good thing about this movie is the soundtrack (Nice Segue). One of the first songs I heard reminded me of an old favorite from high school, Jon Spencer. It had been a while since I'd listened to them. The Eels and the Kinks are also featured.
I dont own the song from the movie so i couldnt post, but I have posted two songs from The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion '94 album, Orange. I never have seen this group live but it seems like it would be out of control.
Give these songs a listen, you will either love it or hate it.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
The Last Little Life - EP
Below is the video for "Waiting". Great song.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Roy Rules!
I know this is old but I came across it today and I love it. Its kind of like a music video I guess.
I hope you enjoyed.
Here is something Roy-like.
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Royksopp - Sparks mp3
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Back to "The Underdog" (track 7) this is very reminiscent of Sloan's "Everything you've done wrong" and maybe even a little Billy Joel-esque. Its got to be the horns on that song that do it for me. Great stuff. I also love the fact that this song is basically a Finger to the former label that dropped them years ago. Just a, nice reminder about how Elektra was more concerned with quick sales and big hits versus allowing the band to be creative and build their fan base.
The other songs I cant stop listening to are "You've got Yr. Cherry Bomb", "Don't you Evah", and "Finer Feelings". You've got Yr. Cherry Bomb also uses the horns ( I think there's even a damn Sax in there). This song has a Motown feel to it at times and I could'nt be happier.
"Don't you Evah" the following track starts with a great bassline followed by a lazy dangling, Sonic Youth-like guitar. Okay, enough with the name dropping.
Give the tracks below a listen if you'd like and start filling out your ballots for Best of '07. I'd like to see other nominees. Please share!
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Spoon - You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb
Spoon - Don't You Evah
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Modest Mouse
Bear Colony
This album (We Came Here to Die) by Bear Colony, isnt new by any means. It actually came out February of this year. One of their songs came up on my Ipod while taking a jog last night. I was lacking motivation, I was tired, my stomach hurt and I just wasnt feeling it at all. I considered turning around and going home.
Here's where it gets cheesy. When their song came on it got me super excited, I think goose bumps were involved. The energy of the music (electro drum machine beats on top of guitar) really helped but the singer and lyrics seemed very inspired. After getting home I wanted to learn more about these guys..
Interesting story-
This (Arkansas based) band is the brainchild and heart of singer/songwriter Vince Griffin. Two years ago, this guy (Griffin) was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and stayed in bed for months. From what I've read about this disease, there isnt a cure or medical procedure in most cases. While he was in bed.....he and ten of his closest friends started writing this album. Wow! Oh yeah, the Crohns disease was mis-diagnoses. He's fine now.
I understand why it sounds so inspired now.
(Ew, goosebumps again with that closing line).
Seriously though....give these tracks a listen and go buy the album.
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Bear Colony - Sharks (MP3)
Bear Colony - Hospital Rooms Aren’t for Lovers (MP3)