Friday, September 19, 2008

Sir Blogalot


A full month...

Its been a full month since my last post which is lame. I've been busy and havent been making time to blogalot or at all.

A lot of things happen in a month-

-Russia invaded Georgia
-DNC- Obama / Biden rocked the house
-RNC- McCain / Palin talk tough...awesome.
-Best friend Shane got married
-I've been running a lot. Ran- 15, 17 and 18 miles.
-McCain went up in the polls
-The stock market crashed.
-Obama is now up

Here is what I've been listening to.

Ra Ra Riot-
These kids are pretty good. I liked the EP but the full length is very good as well. cut and dry melody driven indie pop. Yeah!

Blitzen Trapper-
I've been a little obsessed with these guys and I'm excited for this album to come out. The first single Furr is great but I really like Black River Killer and Gold for Bread. These guys are playing several shows with Malkmus.

Streaming songs from both artists in the White Box.
More to come soon to you sooon......